Friday, February 27, 2015

Blue and Black, or White and Gold Dress Explained

What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see a white, and gold colored dress; or a blue, and black dress? Many say its blue and black, but others say it's white and gold. Some say that they see both.

The dress in reality is black and blue, so why do people see white, and gold? “What’s happening here is your visual system is looking at this thing, and you’re trying to discount the chromatic bias of the daylight axis,” neuroscientist Bevil Conway told Wired‘s Adam Rogers. “So people either discount the blue side, in which case they end up seeing white and gold, or discount the gold side, in which case they end up with blue and black.” 

Basically, some peoples brains work differently. Some brains will push the blue out and only see white, or the brain will have the ability to see the blue. The way the light in the picture is shown also plays tricks with your brain, there is a huge contrast between the blue and black and the white light int he background, resulting in some people not having the ability to see the full color of each the blue and black, and just see a more faded out color such as white and gold. 

Another factor that could change how you see it is if the picture was modified in Photoshop or other programs. In the programs, people can make the picture exceptionally lighter, taking out the color, or make the picture darker, resulting in the colors being deeper, thus making it either harder to see the blue, or easier to see the blue.

:Dan Diamond, Forbes.
:Adam Rodgers, Wired

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Next Giant Leap for Mankind

Imagine living on a whole other planet! Imagine how intriguing that would be to wake up and know you aren't on earth. What if I told you that in 1000 years, this very thought can be possible.

A teamed named Mars One is planning a trip to send volunteers to live on the planet mars for the remainder of their life. They will be provided transportation to go to Mars to try and create a human colony there. There is one catch, these people wont have a way back home to earth.

The first mission on 2018 will be a unmanned mission, using a demonstration mission, communication satellites, two rovers, and several cargo missions. The purpose of this mission is to create a reliable living environment for the human settlers.

 In 2024, Mars One plans to send four people to the living environment that they created with the unmanned mission. After 2024, Mars One plans to send in four additional people every two years.

This is what Mars One, and what I think is "The next giant leap for mankind."

:Mars One

Friday, February 13, 2015

Death by Waiting

Intersections. Everyone's least favorite place to be at while driving. Waiting, running gas away without being in motion. A Whopping 43 percent of car crashes occur at intersections. What if you were told that there is another factor that will make you despise intersections even more?

There is scientific proof that sitting at intersections is bad for your health. How you ask? Well when your car is running, its burning gasoline, which is what comes from the back of your exhaust. This exhaust contains tiny pollutants which damage your heart, and respiratory system. Where do you think that goes when you're sitting at a red light? Nowhere. It just floats around in that area, seeping through your car's air filters, or through your window.

"Though the drivers only spent roughly 2 percent of their time at stoplights, that time accounted for about 25 percent of their total exposure to pollutants." 
This shows that even in the safety of your car, you can still breathe in these horrible toxins.

Here's some ways that you can maybe counter this: First if you have your windows down in the summer, roll them up at intersections. That may sound tedious, but what's more important? Your health or your body temperature. Second, turn off your fans and back off of the person in front of you. You shouldn't be tailgating anyway. These things can significantly reduce your chances of breathing in these toxins.

:Science News, Kate Baggaley
:Advocates of highway, and auto safety

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Young Blood is the Cure for Old Blood

Everyone becomes old. When you get old, your organs along with your blood becomes old and worn out. What if I told you that there may be a way to stop, and or reverse this cycle?

Researchers found that a young mice's blood can rejuvenate a old mouse's muscle tissue and stimulate brain activity by injecting the old mouse with the young blood. Studies show that an old mouse that was injected with the young mouse's blood had an increase in learning and memory.

"In human patients, such thickening of the heart tissue can cause heart failure, and the condition currently has no treatment options, says Wagers."

These people believe that if a person with young healthy blood gives a patient with heart trouble their blood, The patients heart tissue can thin out over time, making it easier for the heart to function, reducing the chances of having heart problems; including heart failure.

This is huge! This can save thousands and thousands of lives. With more research, maybe humans can easily use this to help extend our lives dramatically. We haven't had enough time yet to fully inspect the safety of this procedure, but so far according to Wagners;

"The Harvard-based studies on heart muscle, skeletal muscle, and brains were all conducted on the same mice, and the longest that the researchers studied the treated mice was 60 days. No ill effects were detected in those time frames."

: MIT Technology Review, Biomedicine news

Friday, February 6, 2015

Vaccines...Are they Needed?

When you're a small little baby, most get these injections named vaccinations. These vaccinations contain things in them intended to prevent diseases and virus's like poliomyelitis or measles from overtaking your body. Sounds pretty cool right? Well many parents in America believe they're not. These parents aren't giving their children these vaccinations that they so desperately need.                                            
One popular belief is that it will give their kids brain problems such as autism. I know that it is possible of course, but there is a very slim chance that something like that will happen. I personally never had chicken pox due to the fact that I had my vericella vaccine. Before that vaccine was available, kids almost always got the chicken pox as a kid. Tetanus is a popular vaccine that every kid should get. It of course protects you from contracting the bacteria when touching rusty metals. Can you believe some kids don't receive this shot, and have to risk receiving this horrible bacterial disease throughout their childhood due to the fact that their parents are skeptical of a shot?

 There is nothing to fear from vaccines. If they caused autism or whatever, wouldn't the majority of people in America have autism? Please don't be that person that believes what the media says. one website says their opinionated claims which sound like fact. Believe your doctor, whom is a trained professional who knows how the vaccines really work. Give your kids the shots they need. Do the right thing.
      :United states centers for disease control

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Intro

          Hi, I'm Cazi. Welcome to an amazing blog about loads of intriguing things in the science, and technology world. Here you will find loads of interesting breakthroughs in the science, and technology. for example; Frogs with two heads, a new cure for head lice, new phone that comes out of the box with cyanogenmod built into it. I can assure you that this blog will catch your attention and keep you glued to your screen.
                         Science is the foundation of everything.  Literally.

        I will be posting regularly to this blog so stay tuned for the best information you can possibly get. Take break from drama and celebrity gossip. Focus on what our lives are really about. Learn about the things in this world that really matter.