Friday, March 13, 2015

How Often should One Blink

Often times, people don't blink far enough than what they should. There can be several reasons for this. One reason is because our culture makes it seem like blinking frequently is wrong. For example, actors are taught to blink as little as possible. It has just been accepted to not blink every four seconds. This is incorrect. 

As a human, one must blink in order to lubricate your eyes with the beneficial three layers needed to keep your eyes in good shape. The first layer is the layer that is found on the whites of your eyes, which helps the second layer stay on. The second layer is there to wash away debris, and to moisturize. The third, and last layer is an oily layer, which is there to help keep the second layer from evaporating off of your eye.

The deprivation of blinking gives your eyes finite nourishment. Over time this really hurts your eyes, causing unnecessary strain to your eyes.

A few ways you can help is to make a conscience thought that you need to blink often and eventually it will become habit. Everyone can blink and still be uninterrupted from daily activity. Many people think that blinking to much will make it harder to concentrate. That statement is untrue. Another way to keep your eyes healthy is to close your eyes when you are just simply thinking, or doing any activity that doesn't require looking. 

: Dr. Ben Kim. Experience your best healthO


  1. I like how you blogged about blinking because you got told that you blink to much lol. But this is very interesting because blinking is something that you don't think about, but is really important.

  2. This is interesting because blinking is something that you usually don't even realize you are doing until someone mentions it.
